Viola Bow by Kanghyun Paul Lee Silver FM 14"
Kanghyun Paul Lee graduated from Chicago School of Violin Making in 2011 and gradually learned restoration skills by interacting with makers who were involved in making and restoration in Cremona, Newark, Chicago, and Seoul. He then learned bowmaking in the J.B. Lee’s shop in Seoukl, Korea from J.B. Lee and VSA gold medalist Yongje Song. Since immigrating to the United States of America in 2018, K. P. Lee has been working as violin & bowmaker, rather than a restorer, under the name of K. P. Lee since moving into Tustin California in 2020
Stamp: K.P. Lee
Shape: Round
Wood: Pernambuco
Mounting: Silver Full Mount
Weight: 69.47g
SKU: PB2011-3M-C
Level: Professional