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*Violin Bow by Denis Declerck Nice 2022

Denis Declerck is a French bowmker. Declearck orginally began to studying violinmaking for 12 years in Europa:  Brussel with Jan Strick (in the same workshop as Pierre Guillaume), Germany with G. Davidts and France with J-C. Graff.

In 2003 he opened is own workshop in Nice and in 2009, he met Pierre Grunberger who gave him the opportunity of carving his first bow. He finished this bow with Mitsuaki Sasano and, during three years, Mr Sasano tought him his knowledge. Now, Declerck maintains his bowmaking practice in Nice, France.

Stamp: D. Declerck 

Shape: Round 

Wood: Pernambuco 


Weight: 59.5

SKU: PB1016-4M-C

Certification: n/a

Level: Professional