Violin bow by Paul Weidhaas Markneukirchen
Paul Weidhaas was one of the finest bow makers in his home of Saxony, where he established his own business in 1918 and remained until his death in 1962. The influences of other famous ateliers – such as that of Georg Winterling in Hamburg, Max Möller in Amsterdam and Josef Vedral in Den Haag – helped Paul Weidhaas become one of the finest bow makers in his home of Saxony, where he established his own business in 1918 and remained until his death in 1962.
Stamp: Paul Weidhaas
Shape: Octagonal
Wood: Pernambuco
Mounting: Silver Full Mount
Weight: 63.19g
SKU: PB1059-AL-C
Certification: n/a
Level: Professional